Thanks for the comment.

The ".086" style without a leading zero is an SPSS peculiarity that
PSPP reproduces. When PSPP writes output in any of its own formats, it
uses this style for compatibility. But when PSPP writes output to a
spreadsheet format, it's writing the numerical value of the numbers,
which the spreadsheet program itself then displays, and it's normal
for spreadsheet programs (and most programs) to include a leading

On Fri, Jun 17, 2022 at 3:38 PM someone <> wrote:

> I got a chance to finish reviewing the windows version of 1.6.  I looked at 
> frequencies, means, correlation, scatterplot, regression. They all work, and 
> they all give the same results they did in the previous version. Very good.
> One comment. I didn't notice before, but for correlation and regression, when 
> the results are displayed in the results window, the numbers are like this:  
> .086  that is, no zero in front of the decimal place. I then exported the 
> result. When I open the file with a text editor, again, no zero in front of 
> the decimal place. When I opened the file with my spreadsheet program, libre 
> office, there is a zero there, which I assume libre office put there.
> Not a big deal, since libre office reads it okay. I don't know whether it's 
> something to fix.

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