Ok – Alan.  I will give it a try.




Take care,





Email: jhwh...@techwriteinc.com


From: Pspp-users <pspp-users-bounces+jhwhite=techwriteinc....@gnu.org> On 
Behalf Of Alan Mead
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2022 7:08 PM
To: pspp-users@gnu.org
Subject: Re: Temporary


Sounds like a bug. If you do:


select if(X>1).

freq / x.

freq / X.

My understanding is that the first FREQ should only show X > 1 and the second 
should show all cases. In fact, the manual entry uses almost this exact syntax:


There's also FILTER, which is (IMO) a more modern way to do this. FILTER is not 
temporary (in that sense), but can be disabled with "FILTER OFF." and depending 
on what you are selecting, you might prefer "SPLIT FILE":






On 5/24/2022 2:52 PM, jhwh...@techwriteinc.com 
<mailto:jhwh...@techwriteinc.com>  wrote:

Thank you for the response.  I agree with you.  I ran a command after the 
“TEMPORARY” command – but the entire data set is still missing most of the data 
due to my “SELECT IF” COMMAND.  The workaround is I am creating separate files 
for each select if command I use.  Bulky for now. . . 


Take care,





Email: jhwh...@techwriteinc.com <mailto:jhwh...@techwriteinc.com> 


From: Pspp-users  <mailto:pspp-users-bounces+jhwhite=techwriteinc....@gnu.org> 
<pspp-users-bounces+jhwhite=techwriteinc....@gnu.org> On Behalf Of ft gmail
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2022 3:45 PM
To: pspp-users@gnu.org <mailto:pspp-users@gnu.org> 
Subject: Re: Temporary


If I understand your question you get the data automatically "back" as the 
filter command only works for the next command or procedure. 

If you run

sel if (vars >=1)
freq varx to vary.
SAVE /OUTFILE={’file_name’,file_handle} 

you save the complete data set without the effect of the filter.




On 24/05/2022 21:03, jhwh...@techwriteinc.com <mailto:jhwh...@techwriteinc.com> 

I am using the PSPP syntax commands:





Here is the question, I have several PSPP books. The “TEMPORARY” filter gets me 
the data I desired, but how do I get the data file back to the complete data 
set before I ran the PSPP syntax? I could not find the resolution in my PSPP 


Take care,





Email: jhwh...@techwriteinc.com <mailto:jhwh...@techwriteinc.com> 


Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
President, Talent Algorithms Inc.
science + technology = better workers
Tsai Yu used to sleep during the day.
The Master said: "Rotten wood cannot be carved, walls made of dirt and
mud cannot be plastered: what is the good of reprimanding Yu?"
"At first," he continued, "my way of dealing with others was to listen
to their words and to take their actions upon trust. Now, my way is to
listen to what they say and then to watch what they do. This change in
me is owing to Yu."
-- Confucius, Confucian Analects

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