I fixed that bug a few weeks ago. If there's no published Windows build
with the fix, then it needs to get updated.

On Wed, Feb 2, 2022, 7:01 PM Alan Mead <am...@alanmead.org> wrote:

> What error did you get? Can you copy the exact error message into a reply?
> Or are you reporting an incorrect result? If so, please tell us more about
> what you did and how the result was wrong.
> Also, please click Help -> About and tell us the version number and what
> kind of Windows computer (Windows 10?) you are using.
> I just tried used a CROSSTABS in GNU pspp 1.5.3-g8d023f and I got the
> error below. That seems like a bug. When I pasted the syntax and deleted
> the PIVOT keyword and ran it, it seemed to produce correct output. It looks
> like PIVOT controls the format of the output.
> -Alan
>     /TABLES= caution_score agree_score    BY     consistency
> 3.31-3.35: error: CROSSTABS: Syntax error at `PIVOT'.
> On 2/2/2022 1:57 AM, Sreejesh P Govindankutty wrote:
> Dear sir,
> I installed PSPP in my windows system, but when i doing cross tab showing
> error. how I get a help to solve this issue
> thank you,
> Sreejesh
> --
> Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
> President, Talent Algorithms Inc.
> science + technology = better workers
> https://talalg.com
> Acton's dictate: Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts
> absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise
> influence and not authority.

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