Software that goes from anything to SPSS should also work fine for PSPP,
since PSPP can read SPSS data files.

On Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 1:29 PM Dominique Joye <> wrote:

> This is an important discussion
> The traditional way to import a dataset in the "old time" was to import
> the data (mostly in numeric form) with a "Fortran-like" format and then add
> a dictionary with the "Var label" and he "Value label" set of
> instructions. In fact when importing from a .csv we are in the same
> tradition, with 2 files: data and dictionnary. And a traditional
> dictionnary with var label and value labels is not so difficult to
> organize.
> In any case, I would prefer to stick with the numeric codes rather than
> use character values that are much more difficult to convert (the problem
> is the same when importing a "foreign file" in R coming from a .sav where
> it appears to be easier to use the numeric codes rather than the string
> coming from the values
> The alternative proposed by Markus, to import from a ddi-xml structure is
> probably the most interesting as already a lot of tools allow to convert
> from survey tools to a ddi strcuture. In my memory the quexml developped in
> Australia was a step in this direction ( as
> well as a way to go directly from software like Limesurvey to SPSS (sorry
> PSPP) see
> This is just a suggestion to explore this direction but this has to be
> analysed further
> Dominique
> Le 21.01.22 à 21:10, Elio Spinello a écrit :
> For a codebook that doesn’t already exist, my suggestion would be to
> import from a spreadsheet or CSV file which has been formatted using
> specified column names for the variable name, label, type, etc.
> *From:* Pspp-users
> <>
> <> *On Behalf Of *'Alan
> Mead'
> *Sent:* Friday, January 21, 2022 11:10 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: Import Codebook
> I agree. This is a good trick when you have an existing SAV file with the
> same codebook, but I don't see how this reduces the effort for the use case
> where you are importing 200 columns of unlabeled data?
> -Alan
> On 1/21/2022 12:54 PM, Elio Spinello wrote:
> If memory serves me correctly, there is a Copy Data Properties tool that
> allows you to select another dataset or unopened SAV file and then copy the
> data properties from it into the active dataset.
> Or you can copy and paste portions of the datasheet from one dataset to
> another.
> I would think that one of those approaches would probably be the easiest
> to work with for both developers and users.
> Elio Spinello
> *Elio Spinello, EdD*
> *RPM Consulting, LLC*
> *27943 Seco Canyon Rd  #320*
> *Santa Clarita, CA 91350-3872*
> Office: 818-831-7607
> Cell: 818-570-3546
> *From:* Pspp-users
> <>
> <> *On Behalf Of *Ben
> Pfaff
> *Sent:* Friday, January 21, 2022 10:29 AM
> *To:* Alan Mead <> <>
> *Cc:* pspp-users <> <>
> *Subject:* Re: Import Codebook
> If PSPP were to add a feature to import a codebook, what format should it
> be able to import it from?
> On Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 10:20 AM <> wrote:
> Yes, but variable labels aren't always that big a deal; value labels can
> be more critical. You should rename/label, but it's fairly easy to remember
> that V3 is sex. Good luck, however, remembering what the five responses 1,
> 2, 3, 4, 5 mean...
> Elio ninja'd me last night because I spent a few minutes googling whether
> there was a way to import a code book. I don't think there is, and that's a
> shame. Labeling data is so important and such an improvement in the SAV
> file format (over, say, SQL or CSV).
> I guess the other way to deal with this is to not use codes, in favor of
> response strings, in the dataset. So, the Sex variable might have values:
> 'male', 'female', 'non-binary', etc. And I guess if you had your labels in
> a spreadsheet you could probably arrange to use INDEX/MATCH to replace the
> codes with response strings that would be clear to anyone looking at the
> data. Of course, that solves the labeling in a way, but when you import
> your data into PSPP, you then have to write a bunch of syntax to change
> those strings (of numeric variables like Likert responses) into numeric
> values to be used in analysis. And, I guess, ideally you'd want those
> numeric variables to have sensible value labels.
> -Alan
> On 1/21/2022 11:50 AM, wrote:
> If I understand the issue correctly, variable labels are not being
> installed when importing some Excel files into PSPP. Is this correct?
> Take care,
> John
> ___________________________
> Email:
> *From:* Pspp-users <>
> <> *On Behalf Of *Alan
> Mead
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 20, 2022 9:23 PM
> *To:* Marek Ludwig <>
> <>;
> *Cc:* Katja Behrndt <>
> <>
> *Subject:* Re: Import Codebook
> I find applying labels to be very time-consuming, so maybe that's bad news
> for you. Maybe someone else will have a great idea.
> But to make it as quick as possible, I'd recommend that you generate
> syntax and execute that syntax. I think that will be MUCH quicker than
> individually clicking and editing these values using the graphical user
> interface.
> A lot of people are scared of syntax, but it's not so hard. An added
> advantage of doing it this way is that you easily fix an error by fixing
> the syntax and re-running it.
> Also, if you have the information in a spreadsheet, I would try to
> generate the syntax using formulas in the spreadsheet. If column A
> contained the spss variable name (maybe "V1") and column B contained the
> variable label, then into cell C1 I would insert:
> ="variable labels "&A1&" '"&B1&"'."
> (Note that there are single quotes, inside the double quotes, around B1
> because it's a string.)
> If A1 = V1 and B1 = Beschriftung then this would generate:
> variable labels V1 'Beschriftung'.
> And if you paste that into a syntax window, add the line "Execute." and
> run it, it would label this variable. You could paste 200 rows of Column C,
> add "Execute." and create the 200 variable labels very easily.
> The value labels could be done similarly but I'd have to see the
> spreadsheet to devise the correct formula(s)...
> This page describes the syntax:
> This includes my solution and suggests an alternative (that may not work
> with PSPP):
> Here are the relevant PSPP manual pages:
> -Alan
> On 1/19/2022 9:01 AM, Marek Ludwig wrote:
> Dear All,
> we have read in a CSV dataset that we had generated from an Excel file.
> Unfortunately, the codebook got lost in the process, so that the columns
> for labels("Beschriftung"), value labels ("Wertelabels") and missing values
> ("Fehlende Werte") are empty. Since our dataset has over 200 variables,
> filling them in manually would be very time consuming. Is there an
> efficient, faster solution to read in the codebook or fill in these
> columns?
> I would be very grateful for a hint!
> Thanks a lot,
> Marek
> --
> Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
> President, Talent Algorithms Inc.
> science + technology = better workers
> Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you
> take into account Hofstadter's Law.
> --
> Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
> President, Talent Algorithms Inc.
> science + technology = better workers
> Going was easy. Keep on going was hard.
> -- Ursula K. Le Guin
> --
> Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
> President, Talent Algorithms Inc.
> science + technology = better workers
> Going was easy. Keep on going was hard.
> -- Ursula K. Le Guin

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