I concur with Markus.  Probably the easiest way to do what you want
is with a command similar to:

pspp regression.sps | awk -F '|' '/Step 1 depth/{print $7}'


On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 07:36:05AM +0000, Quandt, Markus wrote:
     I don???t think you can do this in PSPP syntax (but would be happy to be 
     But since you are working on a Unix/Linux system anyway, why not ask 
someone who is familiar with regex (regular expression) to parse the output 
file and write out the ???hits??? to a separate csv file? Sorry, I cannot help 
with the specific regex syntax, as I am not a Unix person.
     Von: Pspp-users <pspp-users-bounces+markus.quandt=gesis....@gnu.org> Im 
Auftrag von Oren Ish-Shalom
     Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2021 06:12
     An: pspp-users@gnu.org
     Betreff: Output ONLY sig. level in binary logistic regression
     Hi all,
     I???m running 200,000 binary logistic regressions
     (loop from a bash linux terminal)
     I???m only interested in extracting the significance level.
     Here is my sps script:
         serial F32
         gene A64
         time F8.8
         survived F1.
     LOGISTIC REGRESSION survived WITH time.
     When I run it I get three tables but only need the significance (0.436 
                 Variables in the Equation
     |               |  B  |S.E.|Wald|df|Sig.|Exp(B)|
     |Step 1 depth   | 2.36|3.03| .61| 1|.436| 10.62|
     |       Constant|-2.75|2.90| .90| 1|.344|   .06|
     Any way to print just this value ?
     Thanks !

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