There is a bugfix proposal from J.K.

Could you try that?

> Am 16.11.2021 um 20:11 schrieb John Darrington <>:
> I don't use Mac, so I'm only guessing, but looking at the screenshot it seems 
> that it cannot
> find /usr/local/lib/libpspp-1.4.0.dylib  - You could try to see if it has 
> been loaded in the
> wrong directory and manually copy it to where the OS is expecting to find it.
> However, PSPP (like all GNU projects) is designed to run best on the GNU 
> operating system.
> So if you want to avoid these kind of problems altogether, a better solution 
> might be to
> switch to GNU or to GNU/Linux instead.
> J'
> On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 09:57:25PM +0000, Mackenzie Shaul wrote:
>     I have been redirected multiple times and it has led me to this email. 
> Can anyone help?
>     Thank you,
>     Mackenzie Shaul
>     991844957
>     Honors College at Indiana State University
>     Psychology Major
>     ________________________________
>     From: Mackenzie Shaul
>     Sent: Monday, November 15, 2021 1:42:00 PM
>     To: <>
>     Subject: Mac Issues
>     Hello,
>     I have been using PSPP this semester in my research class and have a 
> saved file of data that I have been using. After my Mac updated to "macOS 
> Monterey Version 12.0.1" it displays an error message and I am not able to 
> open the program at all. This is a problem because I need that data to write 
> a research paper for my class and I still have data to enter. Please Help!
>     Thank you,
>     Mackenzie L Shaul
>     991844957
>     Honors College at Indiana State University
>     Psychology Major

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