Yes, that's it. Thanks, that is helpful.

On Mon, Nov 8, 2021, 5:39 AM Quandt, Markus <> wrote:

> Ben,
> Is it this what you need?
> matrix.
> print ln(0).
> end matrix.
> Run MATRIX procedure:
> >Error encountered in source line #    30
> >Error # 12386
> >Value for LN is out of range.
> >Execution of this command stops.
> ------ END MATRIX -----
> Best, Markus
> *Von:* Pspp-users <> *Im
> Auftrag von *Ben Pfaff
> *Gesendet:* Samstag, 6. November 2021 19:28
> *An:* pspp-users <>
> *Betreff:* numerical error handling in SPSS matrix language
> I've implemented most of the SPSS matrix language and I'm now working
> on leftover pieces such as testing and documentation. One thing that's
> come up, that SPSS does not document, is how numerical errors are
> handled.  Can anyone tell me what, for example, the following would do
> in SPSS?
> PRINT LN(0).

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