I assume this is what I used windres for. Stay safe ============= On Mon, Sep 06, 2021 at 09:49:21AM +0200, Matej Kovacic wrote: I think you should add a publisher name and a product name in setup file of Windows application. It would still ask if you trust the publisher, but it won't be written "Unknown Publisher", but "PSPP project" or something. I know it is a small thing, but those are things that are making better usability of the whole system. I'm not sure how to do that but I will try to find out. It may well be that in order have this show anything other than "Unknown Publisher" one has to pay $$$ to Microsoft - depending on how many $ this is, it may not be a problem. But it may well be the case that one has to agree to all sorts of unethical promises - that is likely to be a showstopper. Thanks for the suggestion.