Alan is right. In summary: PSPP is developed and built by volunteers.
We don't currently have anyone volunteering to build it for Windows.
None of the current volunteers develops software for Windows, so it's
troublesome for them.

On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 8:59 AM Alan Mead <> wrote:
> No, I doubt the Windows download is gone forever but PSPP is a volunteer 
> project and a guy named Harry Thijssen was the main person responsible for 
> the Windows build (thanks Harry, and thanks to all the volunteers who work on 
> PSPP).
> The old Windows packaging process hit a technical snag and the Windows 
> download was removed when Harry couldn't make the build work, because the 
> version available was getting increasingly old.
> Also, people were reporting bugs that could be fixed, but without a Windows 
> build process, those fixes couldn't be shared with the Windows users.
> Also, it seems like a lot of people clung to Windows 7 (I was guilty of that) 
> and the tools PSPP was packaged with had an issue with Windows 7 that was 
> never going to be fixed (by the third-party developers of that tool, which 
> was separate from PSPP) so there was no way for PSPP to fix the issue.
> So, although the link will surely return someday, there's also no specific 
> plan. If anyone reading this can help out, PSPP could use some help, 
> especially from an experienced Windows dev.
> -Alan
> On 6/3/2021 9:51 AM, Sol Malnis wrote:
> Hi! I use PSPP for Windows in my classes and yesterday I saw there is not 
> that downloading version. It will never be available again? Is there any 
> previous version for download?
> Thanks for the answer!
> Sincerely,
> ---
> Lic. Soledad Malnis Lauro
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> De: Jeanne Rasata via RT <>
> Date: jue, 3 jun 2021 a las 11:11
> Subject: [ #1729510] Request for PSPP Windows downloding version
> To: <>
> Hello, Soledad,
> On 2021-06-02 15:47:01, wrote:
> > Hi! I use PSPP for Windows in my classes and today I saw there is not that
> > downloading version. It will never be available again? Is there any
> > previous version for download?
> > Thanks for the answer!
> This is only the general e-mail contact for the FSF and the GNU
> Project and I am unable to answer technical questions. My best
> suggestion would be to contact the project mailing lists to see if
> they can give you any help. You can find their contact information in
> their entry in our Free Software Directory, at
> <>. Also, you might find it helpful
> to go to <>, where you will find
> a complete list of all the public mailing lists, and to
> <>, which we are working to
> improve.
> Sincerely,
> j.
> ---
> Have we been helpful to you today?  Would you like to help
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> --
> Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
> President, Talent Algorithms Inc.
> science + technology = better workers
> There is a technical, literary term for those who mistake the opinions
> and beliefs of characters in a novel for those of the author. The term is
> 'idiot'.
> -- SM Stirling

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