I think it's more likely to be the following code in cairo-fsm.c that
tries to avoid wordwrapping.
I don't know why U+2060 WORD JOINER is showing up as U+0000 on Windows.
I guess we could add #ifndef __WIN32__ and see if it goes away.

    if (decimal[0]
          && c_isdigit (decimal[1])
          && (decimal == text || !c_isdigit (decimal[-1])))
          struct string tmp = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER;
          ds_extend (&tmp, ds_length (&body) + 16);
          markup_escape (&tmp, markup, text, decimal - text + 1);
          ds_put_unichar (&tmp, 0x2060 /* U+2060 WORD JOINER */);
          markup_escape (&tmp, markup, decimal + 1, -1);
          ds_swap (&tmp, &body);
          ds_destroy (&tmp);

On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 8:26 AM John Darrington
<j...@darrington.wattle.id.au> wrote:
> After a fair bit of effort, I have been unable to reproduce this problem.
> So if this issue is to have any chance of getting fixed someone who is
> experiencing it is going to  need to give us a backtrace.
> Looking through the code, I consider the most likely function of interest
> is  output_decimal in src/data/data-out.c - in particular this bit of code
> seems most relevant:
>       if (decimals > 0)
>         {
>           *p++ = style->decimal;
>           p = mempcpy (p, &magnitude[integer_digits + 1], decimals);
>         }
> However I can't see anything actually wrong here.  I suggest that you
> put a breakpoint here conditional upon *p == 0 ... hopefully that might
> provide something of interest.
> J'
> On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 06:13:58PM +0000, hector morada wrote:
>       John,
>      I am sending you three files:
>      test_dec.csv         is the small data file of two variables with 10 
> observations
>      test-decimal.sps    the syntax I used to produce the output shown in 
> test-decimal-scrsht.doc
>      It seems that the special character appears after the decimal point if 
> the absolute value of the number to be displayed is less than 1.
>      But I notice that when I save the output into an HTML file, the special 
> characters disappear!  Seems I do not have to change my OS!
>      I hope this helps!
>      Thanks for your kind attention.
>      =================
>      I am using Window 7 Home premium
>      PRAM: 4 GB
>      system type: 64-bit OSrocessor: Intel(r) Core(TM)2 Duo T6600 @ 2.20 GHz
>          On Thursday, April 15, 2021, 12:10:48 AM GMT+8, John Darrington 
> <j...@darrington.wattle.id.au> wrote:
>       Recently we have had several similar reports, but to date nobody has 
> said
>      how to reproduce this problem.
>      Can you post the exact syntax, including the data definition, which you
>      used when this problem occurred?
>      So far as I'm aware all the people who have reported this problem have 
> been
>      using Windows.  It doesn't happen with other systems.  So until this
>      problem is fixed the best workaround is to use a different OS.
>      J'
>      On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 06:33:31AM +0000, hector morada wrote:
>          Hi,
>          Ihope you can help me with a particular difficulty in using PSPP. I 
> cannot control thedecimal output of PSPP as it presents numbers in decimal 
> form. The first zeroafter the decimal point is preceded by a special 
> character - a rectangle with somedots inside. Please see the decimal numbers 
> under the "Missing"column in the image I attached for clarity.??
>          Itried changing the Format specs but it did not go away!
>          Is this something "natural" in PSPP? Or there are ways to 
> eliminatesaid especial symbol?
>          Thank you so much!
>          Hector B Morada
>      x, y
>      1, 2000
>      2, 100
>      3, 10
>      4, 500
>      5, 1000
>      6, 50
>      7, 1500
>      8, 200
>      9, 950
>      10, 800

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