Two way anova can be done with GNU PSPP using the GLM command. Anacova is unfortunately not possible. If you need that, I suggest using GNU R. Information on getting R can be found at
J' On Fri, Apr 02, 2021 at 08:28:14AM +0000, sara Fridel wrote: I download your PSPP latest version (October 2020), for 32digits. Unfortunately I found only simple analysis as oneway anova. Do you have a better version that I can run 2 way anova and ancova and manova analyses. I need it urgently for use at my statistics course for advanced students (MA degree). If you do have ‘ plese send me the link for downloads for me asnd my students. I need it for my course that starts in a few days. Thanks Dr. Sara Cohen Fridel Bar Ilan University Israel Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10