Would you know how to correct this? PSPP programs disappear from the screen when the running of this code gets to this line.*/ COMPUTE Jan2021 = DATE.MDY (01,31,2021).
I am using GNU pspp 1.4.1-g79ad47 with Windows 10. GET /FILE = "E:\GNU_PSPP\FloridaTotalsFiles\SelectedAndAddedFields_20210209.sav" FILTER OFF. USE ALL. SELECT IF(NOT MISSING(BirthDate)). STRING ResidenceZipcodes (A5). COMPUTE ResidenceZipcodes=SUBSTR(ResidenceZipcode,1,5). DELETE VARIABLES ResidenceZipcode. NUMERIC Jan2021 (ADate10). COMPUTE Jan2021 = DATE.MDY (01,31,2021). /*PSPP programs disappear from the screen when the running of this code gets to this line.*/ FORMAT Jan2021(ADate10). COMPUTE AgeInMonths = ((Jan2021 - BirthDate)/(365.25*12))/600.