I just downloaded PSPP for the first time to try it, and I get an error message 
when I try to open it, even after restarting my computer. Here is the info.

Version of PSPP: pspp-20200905-daily-64bits-setup.exe (Version 1.4.1-g79ad47; 
Build generation: 42.2.3), downloaded on 2/9/2021 at about 9:40 am EST.

On a computer with a 64 bits version of Windows 7.
PSPP Error Message when trying to open psppire.exe:

[Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically 

"The procedure entry point ScriptIsComplex could not be located in the dynamic 
link library GDI32.dll."

Would appreciate help in solving this problem, as I would really like to try 
PSPP to see how it compares to SPSS, but I can't even get in!

Let me know if you need anymore information.


       Barbara Van Kerkhove, PhD
       Pronouns: she/her/hers
       Researcher/Policy Analyst
       Empire Justice Center
       Telesca Center for Justice
       One West Main Street, Suite 200
       Rochester, NY  14614
       p. (585) 295-5815  f. (585) 454-2518
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