I suspect the problem is that you have no value which is exactly equal to 82 in your dataset. Perhaps you have 82.0000000000001 or 81.999999999999998, either of which might display as "82" dependening on the number of decimals defined fro the variable.
If you upgrade to pspp version 1.4.0 you might find it easier, since the find algorithm has been changed for numeric values, such that it considers only the number of decimals for which the variable has been defined. J' On Sun, Aug 23, 2020 at 10:30:25PM +0200, Domingo J Rubira L??pez wrote: GNU pspp 1.2.0-g0fb4db In 64 bits Windows 10. Thanks El dom., 23 ago. 2020 a las 21:56, John Darrington (< j...@darrington.wattle.id.au>) escribi??: > Which version are you using? > > J' > > On Sun, Aug 23, 2020 at 07:55:49PM +0200, Domingo J Rubira L??pez wrote: > Hello PSPPers! > > I am trying to use the window searcher to find values in cases. > I think I can't do it, I don't know or it doesn't work properly. I am > sure > it is me. > In my next example (as you can see in the screenshot), I would like to > search a case with the value 82 in the EDAD variable. I press Busca > (Search > into Spanish) but it does nothing.It stays in the same window without > movement. Must I do anything else? What is wrong with me? > > Thank you a lot. > Domingo > > [image: image.png] > > >