I think that 'ADD FILES' is not what you want. If you are merely trying to open a system ('*.sav') file, then you should be reading section 9.3 which says:
GET /FILE={'FILE_NAME',FILE_HANDLE} /DROP=VAR_LIST /KEEP=VAR_LIST /RENAME=(SRC_NAMES=TARGET_NAMES)... /ENCODING='ENCODING'. Like the text says, all subcommands except /FILE are optional, So if you have a file called "foo.sav", then you would write: get /file='foo.sav'. Alternatively, if you are trying to open a different kind of file, then you should be reading section 9.4 GET DATA. I hope this helps. J' On Wed, Aug 12, 2020 at 08:33:14AM +0200, Domingo J Rubira L??pez wrote: Sorry for my question. I am starting using PSPP and I have some easy troubles. I tried to find the answer but I couldn't. I would like to add files, I see the next sintaxis but I don't understand what I must write for my files. /FILE={*,???file name???} [/RENAME=(src names=target names). . .] [/IN=var name] [/SORT] I write this sintaxis when I have one or the files opened. In file name I write the name of the other file. What must I write instead of src names or target names or var name ? I am sure you are thinking I am very lost it is not too hard. I think too. Could anybody help me?? Thank you a lot. Domingo.