I find PSPP very useful, and I'm sure it can be a perfect substitute for SPSS (and many other packages) in its current procedures.

I do have one suggestions which I'd think shouldn't be that hard to solve. While there is a command to Save Zvalues in the Descriptives procedure, there is not a Save command which would be extremely useful in other procedures. Factor (save factor scores), Quick Cluster (save cluster membership) Logistic Regression (save predicted, and save probability). Particularly, the save cluster membership is mandatory, given that we run the procedure to assign elements to groups. I fin there is a Print command that does a similar task, so saving a new variable should not be that hard.

I have other suggestions that I presume involve a much harder task, regarding additional procedures available in current SPSS versions: Hierarchical Cluster, Discriminant Analysis, Correspondence Analysis, and Decision Trees.

¿Are this tasks too hard to cover, or do you think a small team of students could do the job as a class project in the course of a semester?

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