Hi Karolina,

Thank you for the bug report.

Version 1.2.0 was released a few days ago, and the import GUI has
changed quite a bit.  Can you try with the new version and see if
you get any improvement.



On Thu, Nov 08, 2018 at 12:36:56PM +0100, Karolina Palm??r wrote:
     I am using PSPP_2017-09-09_daily_32bits
     Windows 7. When I try to import data (.txt or .csv) I get an empty window
     after File - Import Data. Instead of 'Select Lines to Import', 'Choose
     Separators' etc, I get an empty window with only 'Select File to Import'.
     So I am not able to import data at all. I do not get this problem with
     version 2016-07-14.
     Regards Karolina Palm??r

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