

I tried to install the PSPP version 1.0.1 on a windows 7 computer. First I
used the windows installer “pspp-20170909-daily-64bits-setup” from
“http://pspp.awardspace.com/”. The installation finished successfully but I
cannot find the program anywhere on my computer afterwards. I didn’t change
anything during the installation, so it should be in C:\Program Files\PSPP,
but there is nothing. I tried to search for “PSPP” on my computer, but I
could not find anything.

So I tried the installer “pspp-20170909-daily-32bits-setup”, but there is
the same problem.


Can you please tell me what I can do to install PSPP on my computer?


I am using Windows 7 Professional Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build
7601, 64 Bit


Best regards

Nadja Baumgart


ISPG Institut für Studien zur Psychischen Gesundheit GmbH

Nadja Baumgart

M. Sc. Psych.


E-Mail: baumg...@ispg-mannheim.de

Tel.: +49 (621) 40 15 59 30 (erreichbar Di., Mi. & Fr.)



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