On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 03:02:24PM +0000, Raiche, Gilles wrote:
     I am experimenting errors with AGGREGATE with version 0.10.1-g1082b8 of 
PSPP. Specifically, the computed values of the aggregated statistics are not 
valid. SPSS does correctly the computation, but not PSPP. Do someone knows why? 
Or is it a bug?
     Here is our syntax.
     * Aggregate PVIREAD statistics by PROVINCE.
     * PV1READ is a variable from the PISA 2009 data file for reading 
     * PROVINCE is a previously created variable for the Canadian sates.
       /PV1READ_SD       = SD(PV1READ)
       /PROVINCE_N       = NU(PV1READ).

Thank you for your report.

Can you give the _complete_ syntax including the data definition so that we can 
try to reproduce the problem.

Please also post the result you get, *and* the results that you expect, AND say 
specifically why you think the results you see are incorrect.

That way, we can investigate, and decide if indeed there is a problem, and if so
we can fix it.

Thank you.

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