I will investigate this asap, but I am catching up on a lot of other work.

So that it doesn't get forgotten, could you raise is as a bug at 

and please include a copy of the syntax and dataset which provokes the problem.

Thank you.

On Sun, Aug 27, 2017 at 11:04:09AM +0200, Dr. Oliver Walter wrote:
     Dear all,
     I came across a problem with the parameter estimates variance-covariance
     matrix of linear regression in PSPP 0.10.5-pre2g9a68ff on a Windows 10
     computer. This matrix is not correctly printed in the output, as can be
     seen on the attached photos (pspp vs. results from R): 2.480, for
     example, is not the error variance of the variable "horsepower", but of
     the variable "type", as can be clearly seen if you compare it with the
     standard errors of the parameter estimates above. 0.0135 seems to be the
     covariance between "horsepower" and "type" and not between "horsepower"
     and "engine size".
     Kind regards,
     Oliver Walter

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