Dear Fofana,

thank you very much for your bug report. The current debian package
0.10.2-2 does not build with gcc7. Maybe that is the problem that you see.
libgsl23 is o.k.

Could you describe which pspp version you try to install? Could you send a 
build log?

The status of the debian packages is here:

A source package of the released version 0.11.0-1 which can be
compiled with gcc7 is available here:

PSPP has a project site here: 
There you can also find the released versions which you can compile by hand.

You can describe your problems there on the pspp-users mailing list which I
put in cc.



> Am 19.08.2017 um 19:18 schrieb Moussa Fofana <>:
> Dear Friedrich
> I was searching for a way to fil a bug ; but after two days, I only
> obtain your e-mail and wasn't able to fil a bug properly.
> I just want to inform you that, since 3 days, PSPP can't be installed
> on Debian Testing because it requires libgsl2 and Debian Testing has
> libgsl23. On my computer, inkscape, krita and texlive-full depends on
> libgsl23. I have to remove them if I want to install PSPP.
> Sorry for mailing you directly and my english. English is not my main 
> language.
> Thank you for providing that's wonderful package.
> -- 
> Fofana Moussa,
> Dakar, Sénégal.

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