On Sun, Aug 06, 2017 at 11:57:37AM +0200, ftr public wrote:
     The GRAPH procedure gives the annexed histogram dp-1.png.
     The FREQUENCIES procedure gives the annexed histogram dp-1.png.
     What is surprising is that the two procedures give different graphs, and
     that in both the data are not truthfully mirrored by the visualisation.

     There should be no empty space between two values.
Why do you think that?  The bin width of this histogram is 0.4
So the first bin includes values in the range [0, 0.4) and from your frequency
table we can see there are 115 of them.  The second bin takes values in the 
[0.4, 0.8) and there are none.  So the histogram is drawn with a bar of zero 
The next bin is [0.8, 1.2) and there are 36 such samples (all of which have the 

This is why the histogram appears "gappy".  It's because you are presenting it 
descrete data.  Histograms are normally used with continuous data.


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