On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 03:14:38PM +0200, ftr public wrote:
     I guess this runs under Linux only ? I work with Windows.

PSPP is part of the GNU project [1].  As such, it runs best on GNU.  It also 
runs on GNU/Linux [2].     We also try to make sure it runs as well as possible
on other free operating systems, such as FreeBSD.   In addition, we have 
had reports that it runs OK on Windows, Mac, and other proprietary systems.
However GNU and GNU/Linux always were, and will remain the priority.  If there 
ever was (for some strange reason) a situation where PSPP could be made to run 
on GNU OR Windows, but not both - then GNU would be the one we would choose.  
However that situation hasn't come about.  

We do have an (incomplete) list of systems for which we are aware PSPP works [3]
We don't distribute precompiled  binaries of PSPP - to do so for all the 
of variants of the dozens of operating systems in the world would not be 
So the short answer to your question is - it runs on whatever system you compile
it to run on.


[1] : http://www.gnu.org
[2] : https://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html
[3] : https://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/get.html

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