when I use quick cluster analysis then the results are only on the
output window. The PSPP doesn't make cluster variable and - off course -
doesn't save it. I think that this analysis tools is unusable. I learnt
that the results of cluster analysis are the cluster numbers, cluster
centers and the cluster variables.
I tried the SPSS syntax to save the variables but PSPP answer is:
.34-37: error: Syntax error at `SAVE'.
Any idea?
*Hegedüs Sándor
*operatív és marketing vezető
*Magyar Logisztikai, Beszerzési és Készletezési Társaság (MLBKT*)
*Hungarian Association of Logistics, Purchasing and Inventory Management*
Iroda: 1061 Budapest, Király u. 12.
Tel./Fax: +36 1 267 8740
Mobil: +36 30 370 8366
E-mail: sandor.hege...@logisztika.hu <mailto:sandor.hege...@logisztika.hu>
Weboldal:www.logisztika.hu <http://www.logisztika.hu/>
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