Hello reader,
I hope this is the right place to pose my question; I couldn't find any other. 
I'm doing a literature research on reading problems in children, and I like to 
do my own re-analysis of the data that the researchers report. This is possible 
if the authors of an article report N of cases, means, standard deviations and 
a complete correlation matrix of the variables measured. SPSS then allows me to 
use this as input with procedures like FACTOR and REGRESSION. But that means 
that matrix input must be accepted by these procedures. As I'm not sure how 
long I will be able to use SPSS in the future, I'm looking for alternatives. 
Naturally, my first choice is PSPP, but unfortunately, PSPP doesn't support 
matrix input of the kind I'm talking about. Is there a chance of it being 
implemented? I am quite ready to do something in return. I'm not a programmer, 
but I could do translation work from English into Dutch.

Regards, Jaap.

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