On Mon, Mar 06, 2017 at 08:06:26AM -0800, Dana Williams wrote:
     Some of my Stats students were following along on PSPP as I demonstrated
     using the compare means function on SPSS (descriptive, not t or F). All
     of this is through the GUI (for both SPSS and PSPP). When adding a
     second layer in SPSS, the independent variable is nested with the first
     IV, in a single output table. However, in PSPPIRE, using the layer tool
     separates the layers into separate tables, but adding multiple IVs into
     a single layer combines (and nests) them together. The functionality of
     PSPPIRE's layer tool seems opposite of SPSS's. Is that correct or am I
     missing something?

No I don't think you're missing anything.  I number of those people have
complained about the same issue.

If someone can provide a detailed description with diagrams about how these
dialogs could be improved then maybe it could be considered for a future 


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