Dear Oliver Walter,


I attached a shortened data file and Output (Copy in Excel including
syntax). The data base is not very large but results should be the same, or?
Maybe it’s my fault by doing the analysis.


The independent Variables are I002_01 to I002_04. The group variable is
sum_HL with groups 0 and 1. 


John Darrington mentioned, that there was an error, which was fixed (“I
suspect this is bug 47041 which has been fixed about a year ago”). So, I
installed PSPP new and did the analysis again (see Excel file).


I have installed the version: pspp-20160927-daily-32bits-setup.exe


Hope you can help, because my students use pspp and I like to be sure that
they get correct data output. The attached data is from such a student


Thanks for your fast response.


Kind regards,

Mandy Nuszbaum



Von: Dr. Walter Statistics [] 
Gesendet: Samstag, 4. März 2017 19:51
Betreff: Re: Error in computation of Mann-Whitney-U Test


Dear Prof. Nuszbaum,

your question would be easier to answer if you described it in more detail,
e.g. by posting your outputs and / or your data sets (if the sample sizes
are small, we could compare the results).

Kind regards

Oliver Walter

Dr. Walter Statistics
Gabelsberger Straße 27
24148 Kiel

Am 04.03.2017 um 19:20 schrieb Mandy Nuszbaum:

Dear all,


I computed Mann-Whitney-U using PSPP and SPSS and compared the results using
different data sets. Results are completely different and led to wrong


Can anyone fix the problem?


Kind regards,


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Attachment: Output PSPP_SPSS Mann-Whitney-U.XLSX
Description: MS-Excel 2007 spreadsheet

Attachment: Berechnungscheck.sav
Description: application/spss-sav

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