Hi Andrea,

i think this is a specific MacOS problem which has to be debugged on MacOS.
If you are lucky, then maybe some MacOS user running 10.7 might have an
idea. I have 10.11 and cannot test this. Could you say which X Server you are 



> Am 30.10.2016 um 10:04 schrieb Andrea Tamborrino <tambo...@gmail.com>:
> Dear Friedrich,
> thank you for the answer.
> Here the information required:
> a) Mac OS X 10.7.5
> b) PSPP 0.10.1 rev 0
> c) I use GUI version (download from http://lavergne.me/projects/pspp/ 
> <http://lavergne.me/projects/pspp/>)
> d) PSPP closed in any operation, for example when I click on "file, open".
> Thank you
> Andrea
> Dr. Andrea Tamborrino
> Fisioterapista - Orthopedic Manipulative Therapist
> spec. in fisioterapia muscoloscheletrica
> Membro consiglio direttivo Gruppo Terapia Manuale 
> Ufficio relazioni con il pubblico
> Studio Fisioterapia Manuale Ortopedica Tamborrino 
> Via Puglie n.1/b - Taranto (TA)
> tel. 3920738680
> tambo...@gmail.com <mailto:tambo...@gmail.com>
> http://andreatamborrino.com <http://andreatamborrino.com/>
> www.facebook.it/fisiotamborrino <http://www.facebook.it/fisiotamborrino>
> P.Iva 02917130730
> Il giorno 30/ott/2016, alle ore 09:45, Friedrich Beckmann ha scritto:
>> Dear Andrea,
>> we would need to have some more information regarding the system you are 
>> using
>> and the circumstances when the problem occurs. Could you tell us:
>> a) Your Operating System incl. version
>> b) The version of pspp you are using
>> c) Are you using the gui (psppire) or the commandline version?
>> d) What kind of operation are you trying?
>> Please cc your reply to the above given pspp-users mailing list.
>> Regards
>> Friedrich
>>> Am 29.10.2016 um 20:21 schrieb Andrea Tamborrino <tambo...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:tambo...@gmail.com>>:
>>> Hello,
>>> I installed PSPP but it closes automatically as soon as I make a operation. 
>>> How I can resolve this problem?
>>> I wait a answer.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Bye
>>> Andrea
>>> Dr. Andrea Tamborrino
>>> Fisioterapista - Orthopedic Manipulative Therapist
>>> spec. in fisioterapia muscoloscheletrica
>>> Membro consiglio direttivo Gruppo Terapia Manuale 
>>> Ufficio relazioni con il pubblico
>>> Studio Fisioterapia Manuale Ortopedica Tamborrino 
>>> Via Puglie n.1/b - Taranto (TA)
>>> tel. 3920738680
>>> tambo...@gmail.com <mailto:tambo...@gmail.com>
>>> http://andreatamborrino.com <http://andreatamborrino.com/>
>>> www.facebook.it/fisiotamborrino <http://www.facebook.it/fisiotamborrino>
>>> P.Iva 02917130730
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