Hi Rob,

maybe you can follow the instructions in the section "Building from git on Mac 


how to call configure to find non-standard library places. You do not need to 
make -f Smake. That is only for a git build.



> Am 28.10.2016 um 20:22 schrieb Mogerman Rob <rmoger...@yahoo.com>:
> here is more specifically the situation on the install....
> We are trying to build pspp-0.10.2 from source on a Centos 6.8 system. I have 
> made sure that the system has all the libraries installed, however, on 
> ./configure --without-cairo --without-gui , the configure process ends saying 
> that libxml2 is not installed, libgslcblas and gsl version 1.13 or later are 
> not installed.
> No makefile is generated so the install can't continue. How would we specify 
> for the configure file to look in a specific location for the libraries it 
> says it is missing?
> From: Mogerman Rob <rmoger...@yahoo.com>
> To: Pspp-users <pspp-users@gnu.org>; Will Farmer 
> <wfar...@precisionopinion.com> 
> Sent: Friday, October 28, 2016 1:19 PM
> Subject: install pspp 0.10.x on lunux
> Hi.  i'm wondering if there are specific directions on how to compile a new 
> version of pspp on a linux box.  We are currently running 0.7.9 and need to 
> get a more recent version.  I need to tell my IT version and instructions for 
> install/upgrade.  Any help would be appreciated.
> Rob Mogerman
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