In both, PSPP 0.10.2 and 0.10.4, the menus' contents on the data editor window
are not displayed.
Following messages keep reoccurring in the terminal output:
(psppire:19211): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_get_preferred_height_for_width:
assertion 'width >= 0' failed
(psppire:19211): Gtk-WARNING **: Negative content width -11 (allocation 1,
extents 6x6) while allocating gadget (node menuitem, owner GtkModelMenuItem)
(psppire:19211): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkAccelLabel 0x7f9b390ef1f0 attempted to
adjust its size allocation from 29,1972632292 1x986316136 to 29,-1829176943
1x14. adjust_size_allocation must keep allocation inside original bounds
This is occurring on macOS 10.12, but was manifest, before upgrading, on macOS
10.11, too.
To test if all XQuartz applications were affected I installed a current version
of Inkscape, which had the following curious effect: When launching PSPP
directly after running Inkscape for the first time — which is said to perform
some GUI optimizations — the menus all of a sudden did display fine. But after
quitting and relaunching XQuartz, the previous behavior (no menus) resumed.
Launching Inkskape again had no effect.
Another possibly unrelated point of curiosity is that psppire runs in German,
which it has never done before — my system is running in English, although I
have specified German as my second preferred language in the systems
“International” preference pane.
I hope this is the right forum to post this sort of issues to, Otherwise, if
you please, point me in the right direction.
Thanks you all,
Sebastian Winkler
R. Cap. Filipe Sousa 89-1 | 2500-140 Caldas da Rainha | Portugal
fix: +351.262 092 250 | mobile: [pt]+351.934 414 733, [de]+49.15 140 357 453
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