On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 10:58:30AM -0400, Jack Drew wrote:
     Thanks for the speedy response, Alan.
     To be clear: if memory serves SPSS lets you specify the reference value for
     a categorical variable.  So for a variable with 0/1/2 values, you can
     specify '0' as the reference category.

We try to ensure that procedure in SPSS should also work in PSPP.  Obviously 
doesn't always happen but that is the goal.  Some command or subcommands are
missing from PSPP.

The SPSS manual is here:  

In the REGRESSION section, I don't see a /REFERENCE subcommand or anything 
similar, but perhaps I have misunderstood you.  Can you tell us which 
of REGRESSION are missing that you would like to use?


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