Thanks for replying John.
Actually, what I want is the /ORIGIN command (force model to go through origin; 
i.e. no const term).
I can't fake it by adding a dummy variable with all cases set to zero for three 
1) PSPP does not support weighted multiple linear regression, so adding a 
single dummy variable to a dataset which already contains hundreds of data 
points would not force the model's Y intercept to be zero
2) Without weighting, it would be necessary to add hundreds (if not thousands) 
of dummy data points to force the model's Y intercept to be zero.   This would 
be unwieldy.

3) Adding hundreds (or thousands) of dummy data points would skew other 
statistical measures I am interested in.

The following free statistics programs all support zero Y-intercept (no const 
term) multiple linear regression models:




LibreOffice Calc

So why don't I just use one of them instead?  Well, I have and I do.  But I 
have several applications where I want to use PSPP; for example when working 
with students with prior exposure to SPSS.

      From: John Darrington <>
 To: Ether <> 
Cc: "" <>
 Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2016 7:57 PM
 Subject: Re: PSPP multiple linear regression with Y intercept equal zero

I'm not an expert on linear regression, but I think you are looking for the 
subcommand which unfortunately at the moment PSPP doesn't have.

If this is important to you, file a "wishlist" bug and we'll ses what we can do.

In the mean time, you can "fake it" by adding a dummy variable with all cases 
to zero.


On Thu, Sep 01, 2016 at 09:33:32PM +0000, Ether wrote:
    Only 2 posts to the PSPP mailing list in the past 7 days.
    Is there a more active PSPP mailing list (or better yet, forum) somewhere?
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