thanks.  what is the latest official version you'd suggest installing on a 
linux machine?

      From: Ben Pfaff <>
 To: Mogerman Rob <> 
Cc: "" <>
 Sent: Tuesday, July 5, 2016 5:13 PM
 Subject: Re: translate syntax
On Tue, Jul 05, 2016 at 04:04:16PM +0000, Mogerman Rob wrote:
> Hi - I'm a very novice user and I'm trying to turn a .sav file into a .csv 
> file.  It looks like the translate command should be able to do what I'm 
> wanting but I get an error.  I get a file from a vendor called xxxx.sav and I 
> need to turn the file into a .csv so I can process it for other software.  
> The commands I'm trying are....
> GET FILE="xxxx.sav".SAVE TRANSLATE OUTFILE='xxxx1.csv'                
> /TYPE=CSV                /MAP                 /REPLACE                
> /FIELDNAMES                /CELLS=LABELS.          
> The list file shows...  
>                                                              05 Jul 2016 - 
>Page 1                                             GNU pspp 0.6.2 - 
>i686-pc-linux-gnu  make_csv.psp:2: error: SAVE TRANSLATE is unimplemented.

I guess you are using a very old version of PSPP.

New enough versions do implement SAVE TRANSLATE.  With these versions,
you can also do this from the command prompt:
        pspp-convert file.sav file.csv


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