Hi, I wanted to propose a topic that has been in debate for the -rushed- 
release of Snap, the new packages system by Canonical in Ubuntu 16.04.  

Moreover, Flatpak (aka xdg-app) is the distribution package system closer to 
becoming a standard in gnu/linux because of its performance and independently 
of the operating system for proper operation. http://flatpak.org/

Both systems are functional but are now awaiting complementary technologies 
such as Wayland/MIR, however, Flatpak is available in most distributions 
(Ubuntu included). There are several applications packaged as Flatpack and even 
some LibreOffice developers have long been testing this system to distribute 
its software https://whatofhow.wordpress.com/2016/05/13/libreoffice-flatpak/

I think it would be very good idea to consider PSPP developers distribute as a 
Flatpak package officially, as it would be available in most distributions with 
its latest updates. What do you think?

If a PSPP developer has read this what do you think about that?

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