You should ask your instructor how to use the stats program he or she
proposes. Usually, teaching stats means also teaching stats programs =-O
To input your raw data from Excel into PSPP:
First, you have to put your annexed file, i.e. the raw data, into a
PSPP-readable form. Just getting the input of an internet questionnaire
and dropping it into PSPP will not work.
The format is one row per case, variables in the columns. If you want to
have variable names, put them in the first row. You should read the
online manual for how to name variables.
Putting the question text of the input form in its current form as
variable name will not work.
The second line shows interrogation marks and some answer items. This is
junk, to be dropped.
I don't know how to treat IP addresses. Will you analyse them ?
There is no use in importing empty columns . Drop them.
Second, once cleaned you export the data as a csv file from Excel via
Save As and import it into PSPP.
On 18/05/2016 18:55, Shelly-Ann Brandon wrote:
Good day,
This is my first time using PSPP. It was recommended to me by my IT
department at school. I am working with the most recent version
deployed on 04/01/2016.
I am trying to upload the attached excel file, however no cases are
being populated . Please help.
Shelly Brandon
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