Hi Julia,

could you check the XCode Version that you have installed with

FriedrichsMacBook:~ fritz$ /usr/bin/xcodebuild -version
Xcode 7.3
Build version 7D175
FriedrichsMacBook:~ fritz$ 

and check your MacOS Version

FriedrichsMacBook:~ fritz$ uname -v
Darwin Kernel Version 15.4.0: Fri Feb 26 22:08:05 PST 2016; 
FriedrichsMacBook:~ fritz$ 

In my example above, it shows that on my system XCode version 7.3 is installed 
in El Capitan.

You should have XCode 7 installed on El Capitan. Your current problem is not 
related to pspp. It is related to a wrong
setup of macports.

When you have checked that you have installed the latest version of XCode, then 
you should uninstall all packages with

sudo port uninstall installed

I am not too sure, but maybe you have to type this a couple of times until no 
package is left installed.

Then you should try 

sudo port install pspp

There is a ticket in macports which might be related to your python27 problem:

https://trac.macports.org/ticket/50359 <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/50359>

where the XCode version was not up to date.


> Am 18.05.2016 um 17:39 schrieb Julia Klausli <jklau...@ipsciences.edu>:
> Hi again,
> I did get pspp 8.5 installed on my machine but not a newer version.
> I guess I will be happy with that for now and keep learning. I will google 
> the error message. What a great idea.
> I love using this program for my stats students so they can keep using it 
> after they graduate but I do not like when they have downloading problems.
> With that I am almost tempted to just go back to SPSS and know that they will 
> never use it again after they graduate.
> Thanks again for your help. I really appreciate it.
> Julia
>> On May 18, 2016, at 11:34 AM, Alan Mead <ame...@alanmead.org 
>> <mailto:ame...@alanmead.org>> wrote:
>> If you post the exact error message, I can google it and see if we can 
>> figure out when python27 cannot be uninstalled.  
>> I assume these errors occur when you issue the command "sudo port uninstall 
>> installed"?
>> -Alan
>> On 5/18/2016 10:16 AM, Julia Klausli wrote:
>>> I have tried that several times. It always fails stating that python27 
>>> could not be installed.
>>> Any thoughts?

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