Thanks so much for your help.
Here is what I get:
Julias-MBP:~ juliaklausli$ sudo port install PSPP
Error: It seems you have not accepted the Xcode license; most ports will fail 
to build.
Error: Agree to the license by opening Xcode or running `sudo xcodebuild 
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:
Error: Processing of port PSPP failed
Julias-MBP:~ juliaklausli$ 


> On May 17, 2016, at 11:26 AM, Friedrich Beckmann <> 
> wrote:
> Dear Julia,
> I have installed pspp via macports on El Capitan. Your error message refering 
> to XCode is a hint
> that something is not o.k. with the macports / Xcode install. 
> Did you install XCode and the XCode Commandline Tools as discussed here:
> <>
> Could you send your exact system and the exact error messages and the exact 
> commands
> that you execute?
> Can you install other tools from macports? Could you execute
> sudo port installed
> ? This will show you your already installed ports. Could you send that list?
> Regards
> Friedrich
>> Am 17.05.2016 um 17:01 schrieb Julia Klausli < 
>> <>>:
>> I always get an error message stating Xcode is not working but I have 
>> installed it.
>> Also, I have the folder of the latest PSPP on my mac but it is not running.
>> Any thoughts?

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