On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 01:29:15PM -0400, user wrote:
     Hello - I'm new to PSPP, but not to SPSS and other similar stat
     I currently installed PSPP in Linux Mint Cinnamon 17.1; 32 bit. I used
     the software manager program that comes with Linux Mint. PSPP is
     working fine.
     The version of PSPP however,  is 0.7.9,  and does not include a
     repeated measures test.
     I would like to upgrade to a newer version of PSPP, but I do not know
     how to follow the instructions (really) on how to manually install
     programs from a downloaded and extracted  tar.gz file. Therefore, I
     usually just install what is available in the software managers or I
     find sources that have explicit terminal commands for me to use.
     In addition, I don't know if I need to worry about installing or
     deleting additional programs if I already have PSPP installed and I
     don't know if I should uninstall PSPP before installing/upgrading to
     the newest stable version.
     If anyone using Linux Mint has knowledge on the actual terminal
     commands necessary to upgrade PSPP...please contact me.

0.7.9 wasn't even an official release so you certainly should upgrade.
The latest version is 0.10.1 - However that also does not yet have a
repeated measures test.

The commands to install PSPP are included in the distribution in the file
called INSTALL.  You can find a copy of that file at



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