> I asked the question because I was puzzled. I found a virus alarm
> message that I found difficult to believe. This was the first time that
> this happened with PSPP. So I asked my questions.
> I would like John to understand that and not think that I wanted by
> intent insult the voluntary developers of my stats program ! The
> questions was not if you deliberately infected the installer - what an
> idea - but if somewhere some man-in-the-middle might have found an
> entry, for instance.

Unlikely, but it is always possible. If sourceforge is hacked or can't be
trusted they can hamper with the checksums too.

I guess it is save, but not 100% sure.

> To be sure, I sent the question to Panda support but did not yet get an
> answer. Panda does not give precise reasons why a program has been
> neutralised. The intention of my question was to get an answer from the
> list to demand Panda to review its code. So your answer is: no, there is
> no info on any tentative to infect the prog or the site, if I understand
> you well.

The question was not so much on the pspp source but on the MSWindows
package build I guess. And no there is no reason to believe the version was
infected are tampered in any way.

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