
I try to read a basic sav file into R Deducer and stumble upon a series of errors.

In Deducer R produces the error message:
Unrecognized record type 7, subtype 18 encountered in system file.
It seems that there is superfluous file info in the save file which this error message shows and which I tried to find to eliminate it.

Finding - some - ideas in StackOverflow <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3136293/read-spss-file-into-r>I tried to see system & variable information through the DISPLAY command in PSPP. DISPLAY ATTRIBUTES produces no output at all, no error message in the output window, nothing, just a white page, and the command is not shown in the left pane of the output window.
The same is true for DISPLAY LABELS, and other DISPLAY commands.

Any ideas ?

The main question is, of course, how to import the SAV file into R DEDUCER having worked it in PSPP.


- ftr

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