The regression procedure does contain an option to save the scores, but
it's not that hard to just create a compute statement:

compute yhat = -2.4567 + X1 * 0.2348 + X2 * (-2.4500).

Or whatever.

I don't deny that factor scores can be useful and my understanding is
that they are more complex to compute but I have not ever used factor
scores because I almost always want to know what a real score is, not a
factor score.  That is, if I have a measure and find that items 1, 2, 3,
all measure factor 1, I DO NOT want the F1 score (usually), I want the
score one those three items, which is also trivial to create:

* assume items 1 and 3 are revrse-coded. All variables are on a 5-point
compute V1R = 6 - V1.
compute V3R = 6 - V3.
compute F1 = mean(V1R, V2, V3R)*3.

So, your statement that EFA is worthless unless you can save the factor
scores is incorrect.


On 1/6/2016 4:35 PM, news wrote:
> Saving factor scores would be a very welcomed innovation. What is the
> sense of factor analysis if you can't reuse the scores ?
> The same is true of regression scores.
> - ftr
> On 04/01/2016 21:19, Alan Mead wrote:
>> I don't think PSPP has an option to save factor scores (yet):
>> -Alan
>> On 1/3/2016 9:07 AM, Justo de Jorge Moreno wrote:
>>> Dear list
>>> I am new to PSPP. As I can save the factors estimated with the
>>> factor analysis?
>>> Many thanks in advance
>>> Justo
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Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
President, Talent Algorithms Inc.

science + technology = better workers

+815.588.3846 (Office)
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Announcing the Journal of Computerized Adaptive Testing (JCAT), a
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