On 12/21/2015 4:10 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> I think that you just want: COUNT n=ALL(SYSMIS). 

Brilliant!  But it doesn't wok.  On my datafiles, I get a long list of
errors like:  "V1 and V8 are not of the same type.  All variables in
this variable list must be of the same type. V8 will be omitted from the
list." (where, indeed, V1 and V8 are string variables of different lengths).

Finally, it complains that SYSMIS isn't a string and fails to execute
the COUNT: "error: COUNT: Syntax error at `missing': expecting string." 
This happens whether I use MISSING or SYSMIS. 

I thought that the above was a bug, and maybe it is, because I should be
able to use SYSMIS/MISSING but it works fine when I specify the columns
to use, so I think it only fails when I specify ALL as the columns.

BTW, it would be neat if this worked in PSPP, but SPSS refuses to accept
ALL as a column range.



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