Hi Dorie,

As you say, installation (and many other things) on Windows is tricky.
There are several things you have to find out first, as Alan has 
described.  Following his suggestions should probably work.

However, as you say that you have now retired, you are freed from any
stipulations imposed upon you by your employer, so now might be a good
time to make the switch to GNU/Linux - where things are so much easier.

If you choose Trisquel, Gnewsense or any other Debian based GNU/Linux
distribution, then installing PSPP is a breeze.  Just type:

        apt-get install pspp

Hey presto!  It's installed!

PSPP works faster and  better on GNU and GNU/Linux although it does 
function on other platforms too.

     On 12/9/2015 1:38 PM, Dorie Glover wrote:
     >Hi All:
     >I was a dedicated spss user til I retired and unable to access
     >cheap version.  Want to use pspp, but am not savy enuf to
     >understand how to download.  Can someone give a brief step by
     >step?  I have searched and all the links/discussions so far are
     >too complex for a non-programmer.
     >Pspp-users mailing list
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