On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 02:02:28AM +0000, Anders Andren wrote:
     Hi ! I just migrated from SPSS to PSPP using psppire, 0.8.5-gdaa1fe, on a 
64 bit maschine with Windows 8. After a little while I could use it and it felt 
good. However it has happend now several times that I tried to safe reccords 
that I tapped in when the system (i.e.  psppire) stops working and I looses my 
job. Does anyone have an idea what the problem is ? (wrong version for wrong 
maschine or what ...)

The fundamental answer to your question is "... the wrong operating system" .  
PSPP works most reliably
on GNU and GNU/Linux.  So if you want really reliable behaviour with PSPP (or 
any other application) you
should use one of those.

Having said that, we try to make it work as best we can on other systems too.   
So if you can describe
exactly how to reproduce this behaviour, then we will try to improve it.


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