>Hi ! I just migrated from SPSS to PSPP using psppire, 0.8.5-gdaa1fe, on a 64
>bit maschine with Windows 8. After a little while I could use it and it felt
>good. However it has happend now several times that I tried to safe reccords
>that I tapped in when the system (i.e.  psppire) stops working and I looses my
>job. Does anyone have an idea what the problem is ? (wrong version for wrong
>maschine or what ...)
>Regards/ Anders

Could you provide the sequence of keystrokes which let to the issue?

If it is at the moment of saving the file it might be the problem that
you use non-ascii characters in the file name. If that is the case
might be the solution for your problem.

Have fun
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