> Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2015 01:36:22 +0000
> From: Charles Johnson <charlesjohns...@outlook.com>
> To: "ar...@uol.com.br" <ar...@uol.com.br>, "pspp-users@gnu.org"
>         <pspp-users@gnu.org>
> Subject: RE: PSPP for windows doesn't save files
> Message-ID: <snt153-w376a19e7a2c2a17e2cc99abb...@phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> I just installed PSPP for Windows. My computer runs windows 8.1, 64 bits.
> The software opens and execute routines normaly, but it doesn't save files.
> When I try it. I receive the message: "error: Creating temporary file...".
> Also: "Error opening..."

> I have PSPP for Windows in another computer, Windows 10 64 bits, and it
> works properly.
> What do I do?

I would suggest uninstalling PSPP
If the PSPP directory still exists, delete it.
Then install PSPP again.

> Andr?
> Hello. At some time I had a similar problem in Windows 8. Did you try
> installing PSPP as an administrator?

That is not necessary. The installer detects if you are administrator and
install PSPP system wide if you are. If you install it as normal user it
will install the program only for the user which is used for installing.
This way PSPP can for instance be installed on la computers where you have
no administrator rights.

> You can also check where PSPP is installed.
> If you still have this problem, write a bug report. first see:
> https://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/manual/html_node/Bugs.html#Bugs
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