
I would love to install PSPP. Always had it on my PC laptop, but now I bought a 
MAC (MacBook Air). And now I am utterly helpless.

I have tried to install PSPP through typing commands in the terminal command 
window which looks scary. But I have opened the window and have given so many 
confusing commands I don’t even remember what I have done. I installed Xcode, 
and tons of other stuff. I don’t know what binaries are, so that’s not a good 
idea, I guess.

I’ve given that route up: I don’t want to do anything complicated or ’tailor 
made’. I just want to install the easiest, most standard, version of PSPP. Just 
did it on my (old) Windows laptop and had it up and running in 3 minutes. Why 
does it have to be so hard on a MAC?!

So I tried (for the tenth time) to install the ’this one will install itself 
version’. But as soon as I did that, I’m lost again. In the help-file I read:

"These instructions are based on the generic GNU installation instructions, but 
they have been tailored for PSPP.  These instructions apply only to people 
wishing to build and install PSPP from source. “

I don’t know what a generic GNU installation is or whether I want that. And I 
don’t know whether I wish to build from source. I really have no idea what that 

Could someone please help me? It would be interesting to see if I can figure 
this out. If so, I would be happy to write a PSPP installation on a MAC 
instruction for dummies like myself. That might help others install this 
beautiful software.

Thanks a lot in advance,
Sander Flight

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