On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 09:45:35PM +0000, Miguel Angel Rojas  M. wrote:
     Mr. PSPP
     I am a new user.I installed version 0.8.5-g4936dc psppire Windows 8.1, 
     PROBLEM:When you import data from MS Excel the PSPP stops working.
     Thanks for helping me with this problem
     A greeting
     Miguel Angel RojasTeacher

Pspp does not have the factility to directly import excel files.  You must first
convert them either to .csv .gnumeric or to .ods format.  We recommend using
Gnumeric or Libreoffice instead of excel for your spreadsheets.

Having said that, PSPP should not have just "stopped working".  It should have 
you a message that the file could not have been read.  Can you give
some more information, and perhaps post the file you are trying to read.

Thank you.

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