Dear John

Thanks for offering to help. I am not a PSPP user and have not seen the manual. 
However, I will get my colleague to contact you directly so that she can 
identify the source of the issues I have reported.

Best wishes


The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Darrington [] 
Sent: 25 June 2015 09:11
Cc: John Darrington;
Subject: Re: Calculating Cohen's Simple Kappa in PSPP

Indeed it is a possibility.   There are also other possibilities:  Perhaps PSPP
has a bug; perhaps SPSS has a bug; perhaps there is something wrong with the 
way your copy was installed; perhaps you or your colleague misunderstood the 
user manual;  Perhaps the user manual is misleaading and needs to be revised ...

But without specifics, it is hard to know which of these possibilities (if any) 
are in fact what is happening.

If you can provide the exact scenario, it may help to determine what the 
problem is and, in the event of a PSPP bug, hopefully to fix it.


On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 07:49:28AM +0000, MACDOUGALL Margaret wrote:
     Dear John
     I did not assume that there was an error in the dataset or syntax, as my 
colleague is relying on the PSPP User Manual and the procedure is very simple. 
However, I had assumed that other users might have experienced similar issues 
and that rather, the problem was with PSPP.  Is this not a possibility?
     Best wishes
     The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
     Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
     -----Original Message-----
     From: John Darrington [] 
     Sent: 25 June 2015 06:10
     To: MACDOUGALL Margaret
     Subject: Re: Calculating Cohen's Simple Kappa in PSPP
     Could you perhaps post the dataset and the syntax you used, which provokes 
this problem?
     On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 07:59:33PM +0000, MACDOUGALL Margaret wrote:
          I would value advice on output which was sent to me from calculating 
Cohen's simple Kappa using PSPP. The output demonstrates the following:
          a)      a discrepancy between the standard errors calculated by  PSPP 
and SPSS (0.07 versus 0.088, respectively)
          b)      an empty cell under the label 'Approx sig.' in PSPP by 
contrast with the occurrence of the value '.000' in the corresponding cell for 
          Can anyone explain any of these anomalies, please?
          Best wishes
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