For what it's worth, the bug does not exist in on my other laptop running psppire.exe 0.8.2-gf8ea4b (a much older version, for sure)
________________________________ From: Ferguson, Douglas A Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 3:34 PM To: Subject: syntax error in FREQUENCIES with format LIMIT To recreate this syntax error in psppire.exe 0.8.5-g2d71ac --> 1. Create any new single-variable (Var001) dataset. N=10 is plenty. 2. Analyze menu, Descriptive Statistics, Frequencies 3. Click on Frequency Table 4. Choose “If no more than 50 values” Here’s the error you get: FREQUENCIES /VARIABLES= Var0001 .24-28: error: FREQUENCIES: Syntax error at `LIMIT'. /FORMAT=AVALUE LIMIT (50). Douglas A. Ferguson, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Communication College of Charleston Rm. 205, 9 College Way 843.608.8008
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